The Canyon Athletic Association is a non-profit corporation orchestrated to provide non-traditional educational institutions with athletic competition. The CAA consists of institutions at the Junior High and High School level to participate in interscholastic activities. The member schools include, yet not restricted to, charter schools, public schools, home school organizations and parochial schools. The CAA pursues to deliver high standards of veracity while providing great flexibility to accommodate non-traditional schools.
Why Should Your School Join CAA?
With CAA, your school will:
Have simplified communication: CAA has social media accounts set up to send out daily posts multiple times a day to keep their audience of parents, schools and students constantly in the loop. With social media accounts people are now able to receive instant updates and reminders at any time of the day so communication is always a reliable feature from CAA!
Recieve construction and guidelines: CAA makes it their duty to help out the schools in their system by setting up a system of consistency and reliability to reflect on for guidance. CAA allows the schools in their system to rely on, in an effort to lead them to success.
Contain organized tournaments: The CAA website provides a section of all organized tournaments set up throughout throughout the year along with a link specified for the 2019 Fall Sports State Tournament Information, Tournament Hosting Information and a link dedicated to all their trophies with contact information for it. In addition to the tournament section there is a calendar that includes all the events throughout the year — tournament related or not.
Have the funds required for events managed: Every season CAA sets up events in an effort to raise money for the schools in their system while including the public and their audience in for a more personal touch. CAA is a family dedicated to providing schools with everything they dream of!
Charter Schools Athletic Programs?
Charter schools are not typically known for their athletic programs. With the help of CAA charter schools are able to branch out of their small circles and help them achieve success! CAA is able to provide the students attending the charter schools in their program assistance to help them grow and strengthen their skills along with pursuing their potential rewards to the fullest extent. In addition to all the great benefits CAA can provide your students and schools, sports plays many benefits within itself!
What are the benefits of playing sports?
Health: As we all know, playing sports is a great exercise tactic! The stress on your body builds up endurance and strength, making them strong and healthy. Exercise is also the main factor in reducing chances of obesity and heart muscle ability, reducing the possibility of heart diseases.
Self confidence and self esteem: Words of encouragement from teammates, parents and other schools bring great self confidence. Students are able to believe in themselves and achieve things they truly set their mind to setting them up for future success.
Teamwork: Teamwork is a great learning tool for students to develop at a young age to prepare them for the real world. In order to win students must work together to make it happen just how students must work together in school!
Leadership: Sports teach students the responsibility it takes to lead and guide others/the world. Leadership is an essential skill for students to develop that’ll be helpful in the long run and in their future. For instance, if a student later in life decides they want to be a politician they got to develop those skills while playing sports!
Social Skills: Being on a sports team you are essentially forced to work with others which is an important skill to have to work towards success! People will want to work with others who are open and easy to talk to, sports teach your students those techniques!
Discipline: We all know how much work and dedication is put into a sport which is good to have because it will allow the student to become more in tune and strict with themselves to work towards success. In sports students must listen to guidelines in rules just how a person has to do in life. This allows your student to be on the road to self improvement.
Improved energy levels: Playing sports will help your student build up endurance and tolerance being able to be more awake and aware during the day. A student whom is active has fewer struggles and able to have improved lung health.
Managing emotions: Sports allow students to let off all their steam on the field. Students can use this time to let out all their stress and emotions into a sport; it gives a place to be free of everything and let loose to become more in tune with themselves.
If you are interested in being a part of the Canyon Athletic Association, please complete the CAA Membership Application provided on the main page of the website. If you have any questions contact CAA (602)687-1645 or email