The Canyon Athletic Association is a not-for-profit corporation created to provide competitive athletic competition for non-traditional educational institutions. The CAA consists of member schools at the Junior High and High School level that wish to participate in interscholastic activities. The member schools include, but are not limited to, charter schools, public schools, home school organizations and parochial schools. It is our goal to help facilitate communication, provide structure and guidelines, organize tournaments and manage the funds necessary for these activities. The CAA seeks to provide high standards of integrity while providing great flexibility to accommodate non-traditional schools.
Canyon Athletic Association
2033 W. North Lane Suite #19
Phoenix, AZ 85021
Contact Us
Interested In Having Your School Join The CAA?
If you are interested in being part of the Canyon Athletic Association, please complete the CAA Membership Application below. Â Should you have any questions, please contact Randy Baum, Executive Director at 602.330.3233.